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What are the advantages of bag sealer?

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Bag sealing machine is a common tool in enterprises. What are the advantages of bag sealer? What are the different types of bag sealers?

  • What is a bag sealer?

  • What are the characteristics of bag sealing machine?

  • What are the types of bag sealers?

What is a bag sealer?

Bag sealers use heat to patch bag openings together to form a seal. Bag sealers are used for bags made from many different materials. Some common materials used in bag sealers are polyethylene, polypropylene, PVC, cellophane and polyolefin. The type of bag used helps determine the correct sealer. In this short guide, we will detail the differences between several bag sealers and explain how to determine the type best suited for your application.

What are the characteristics of bag sealing machine?

1. Most bag sealers use a hot wire to repair the bag opening and form a seal on the bag opening. Line bag sealers are available with flat or round thread. The circular wire sealer makes the seal thinner and cuts off excess film when it is finished. Thinner materials are best used with round bag sealers because the sealing thickness is minimal. The circular wire bag sealer is an excellent choice for shrinking bags and glass paper bags.

2. Flat line bag sealing machine has different sealing thickness, can effectively seal thick bags. Thicker bags containing heavier products require a thicker seal. Flat line sealers range in thickness from 2 mm to 12 mm wide. Embossing tools are commonly used on thick flat line bag sealers to increase seal strength. Embossing tools use texture on sealing joints for a better, stronger seal. Another popular flat line seal option is the double seal. Double sealing bag sealers form two parallel seals to help further prevent bag leaks.

What are the types of bag sealers?

1. Pulse sealers are basic line bag sealers that provide flat or round line seals. Seal thickness can vary from 2 mm to 5 mm. Pulse sealers range in size from 4 "seal widths to 40" and beyond. The user sets the sealing timer on the sealing machine, and the sealing light goes out after the sealing is completed. Most pulse sealers recommend sealing 200 to 500 bags per day.

2. Pedal sealing strip is used to seal pedal sealing machine. The ability to use pedals allows the user to make seals hands-free. Two free hands improve productivity and efficiency. Pedal type bag sealing machine has many designs. The two most common designs are desktop sealers and vertical sealers. One is designed for the user to make a sitting seal and the other is designed for the user to make a standing seal.

Machine pricing usually depends on size and required efficiency. Larger machines that provide faster bag sealing cost more than smaller machines that are less efficient. If you are looking for a supplier of high quality sealer at a reasonable price, the Hualian Machinery is a very good choice.

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