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Beverages and Dairy

奶粉Milk Powder

Milk powder is made from fresh milk or goat milk, which is processed by freezing or heating to remove almost all the water in the milk, and adding appropriate amount of vitamins and minerals after drying. Easy to prepare, easy to carry, and rich in nutrients. Instant milk powder is larger and looser than ordinary milk powder, with good wettability and high dispersion. When reconstituted, it dissolves quickly even with warm water.


Milk is one of the oldest natural dairy products. It is one of the important sources of protein, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin A, vitamin D and vitamin B2 in the diet.


矿泉水Mineral Water

Mineral water refers to a type of drinking water that contains minerals, trace elements, or other substances using water gushing from underground mineral springs as raw materials. Bottled drinking mineral water on the market is generally packed in mineral water bottles and sold through supermarkets, vending machines, and other channels.


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